BrandMeister Canada Net is held every Sunday night at 200 - 300 UTC when daylight time is in effect (non-daylight savings time at 2:00 am - 3:00 am).
When [may change]
Saturday’s @ 1700 UTC (1600 DST) [may change]. Find the time in your local timezone
BrandMeister Canada's 302 Net Talkgroup (TG 302). Find a nearby DMR BrandMeister repeater
The BrandMeister Canada's 302 Net is held weekly Saturday on the BrandMeister network to test the connectivity and linking of repeaters/hotspots/transceiver world wide under stressed volumes. It is intended as a global forum for discussing news, information and developments related to Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) BrandMeister. This net is open to all ham radio operators with a DMR capable radio and can be accessed via any DMR repeaters/hotspots that are connected to the BrandMeister Canada's 302 Net talk group (TB#302).
This Amateur BrandMeister Canada's 302 Net was started May 2017 by a team as a means to link our community of digital radio enthusiasts.
The intended purpose of the BrandMeister Canada's TG302 Net:
- Community. Create a sense of community and to promote diversity within the DMR-MARC link of repeaters world wide.
- Education. Act as a catalyst for education & learning and to promote the growth of ham radio as a hobby.
- Communications. Provide an alternate means of communications in the event of an emergency or natural disaster using the BrandMeister Canada's TG302 link of repeaters/hotspots.
All uses of the BrandMeister DMR Worldwide link of repeaters are expected to support the above objectives.
Benefits of this blog include:
- All information within is Google translatable in languages.
- All information is shared openly and transparent.
- Net Control Script shared for anyone to review or practice.
- Schedule is available to review by anyone and update by many.
- NCS (Net Control Station) know who is scheduled in advance.
- Comments, Feedback, Contact details, all available within.
- It allows for greater collaboration!
Update : January 07 2018
DMR-MARC Net Canada --->>> BrandMeister Net Canada ||
DMR Net Canada (all TG302 linked, now only one DMR Net)
Success : boom goes the dynamite !! .... take cover
2017 - Brandmeister Net ::
2013 - DMR-MARC Net ::
Shortn Link here :
DMR-MARC Canada Net - Twitter :
DMRbrNET Link here :
DMRmarcNET Link here :
TinyURL was created! 302DMRNET
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